Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Steel Cut Oats

Well Howdy!

I want to share a recipe I tried this weekend.  I've had a bag of steel cut oats in my pantry for a while now, though I was going to make something and I never did..oh well!  I eat quick cooking almost every morning and wanted to try something different, and I thought I'd save some time in the morning by having a big batch all ready for me.  I read some recipes here and there and learned that steel cut oats are more nutritious than instant oats with more fiber and  complex carbs, but also take longer to cook.

I adapted the recipe seen here on Nutritious Eats to fit my taste and things I had in my fridge.  If you make this, feel free to mix it up!

Into your crock-pot add:

1 cup uncooked steel cut oats, also called Irish oats-do not substitute quick or instant oats!
3 1/3 cups water
1 cup soy milk (or regular or almond milk would be nice)
1/3 cup half n half (I used light coconut milk I had left over from a curry chicken recipe)

Basically any combination of liquid that you like to get you to 4 and 2/3 cups.

Add a dash of salt and 1/3 cup golden raisins and 1/3 cup dried cranberries, or any other dried fruit that you like.

Stir all together and place on WARM setting of crock-pot, and cook 6-10 hours. LOW setting is too hot, make sure to put on WARM setting!! I lifted the lid a couple times and think that is why mine took almost 10 hours, but if you're patient and depending on how mushy or soupy you like your oats, time can vary.  Also, if you like your oats dry, just add 1/2 cup less water/milk in the beginning.

When done, stir in 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract.  Top with optional brown sugar or maple syrup if you like things sweeter.  I found this sweet enough with no added sugar, or I add some chopped fresh apples or banana.

I loved eating this when it was done, the fruit is very plump and the texture was chewy and delicious!  I've had it as leftovers and reheated in the microwave and also very good.

Here's to a warm and filling breakfast! Pin It Now!

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